Document Collection

Educational Home Not Well Conducted

Committee of the Indian Rights Association Makes Its Report.

The report of members of the executive committee of the Indian Rights Association on the Educational Home, against which charges of mismanagement were made, has been made public. It recites in detail the conduct of the home, the lack of facilities to afford the boys industrial training and an incomplete library. The conclusions reached were that the management of the institution is left too much to a managing director, without proper supervision. The salary of the superintendent, the report says, is wholly inadequate to secure a competent man. The system employed secures industrial education to only a limited number of boys and does not compare in efficiency to that of similar institutions.

The report is signed by Charles E. Pancoast, N. Dubois Miller and Charles Chauncey.

Courtesy of the Philadelphia Times, 1899-02-21


Heidi Sproat discovered this newspaper clipping and transcribed it.

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