The local Quarters used by Generals during the Revolutionary War has long been a topic of interest. The first tour taken by the Tredyffrin Easttown History Club was in 1937 (see Itinerary to the Valley Forge Officers’ Quarters). Biographies of the Generals are given in 2 articles - American Officers Quarters at Valley Forge and Some Distinguished Neighbors.

See the Background and Introduction pages for a discussion of the information available and the allocation of the Quarters.

Note: These pages focus on the houses used as Generals’ Quarters during the British encampment in Tredyffrin (September 18th to 23rd 1777) and the Continental Army’s Valley Forge encampment (December 19th 1777 to June 19th 1778). They include locations in Schuylkill and Upper Merion Townships as well as Tredyffrin. For the latest take about the generals and the location of the houses see A Tour of the Generals’ Quarters by Mike Bertram and Tim Lander, Tredyffrin Easttown History Quarterly, vol. 49, #1 & 2 (July 2012).

British Generals’ Quarters

American Generals’ Quarters