A small Tract
of Land
12.28.1813 American Republican
TO BE SOLD At Public Vendue,
On Thursday the 3d day of February next, on the premises, A VALUABLE PLANTATION, or Lot of Land, situate in Tredyffrin Township, Chester county, within half a mile of the Spread Eagle, on the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road, containing 15 acres of land, more or less, 3 acres are good watered, meadow, 3 acres woodland, and the remainder good plow land, the whole fenced in with good fence, with a good stream of water running through the same. There is on said premises, a good house and barn, a good spring with a house over the same, and an excellent well of water & a new pump in the same, near to the house; there is an excellent orchard on the same and also, a variety of other fruit trees. The said premises are in good order and well situated, and are well worth the attention of the mechanic. But is is presumeable [sic] that any person who is inclined to purchase will view the same; and a further description would be unnecessary. Any person inclining to purchase said lot, will have is shewn them by applying to the subscriber living thereon. ABIJAH BOWEN. Dec. 27, 1813. 23-5t The Sale to commence at 12 o'clock on said day.
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/4/2022.
