Document Collection


12.09.1817 American Republican
To be Sold
On Thursday the 18th day of December
next, (if not sooner disposed of at
private sale,) on the premises, on easy
situate in the Great Valley, Tredyffrin
township, Chester county, adjoining the
Swede'sford [sic][Swedesford] road, 6 miles from the
Swedes'ford,[sic] containing 80 acres of the
best limestone land, possessing superior
advantages of water, having a mill stream
passing through the middle of it, a part of
which is conveyed to the door of the dwelling
house, barn, &c. and watering twelve
acres of excellent bank meadow, and may
with ease be conveyed to any part of the
premises. Said plantation is divided into
fields and meadows, of 5, 6, 7 and 8 acres
each, by good fences, composed chiefly of
chesnut rails - the fields are well set with
clover, green grass and timothy - ten acres
of the aforesaid plantation is under good
timber. On the premises are, a convenient
stone dwelling house, 32 feet by 26,
commanding a handsome view of the great road
leading past the Valley Works to the
Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road, near,
the 14 mile stone ; a well of good water near
the door ; a stone milk house, supplied with
water by a patent pump in said well, which
throws at least one hogshead of water per
minute, and is found to answer all the
purposes of a good spring ; a frame barn, with
a log addition, holding upwards of twenty
tons of hay - a lime-kiln almost new, and a
quarry of the best limestone - two apple
orchards of the best fruit trees, with a
variety of other fruit trees, &c.
to be sold with the above, (if desired) 10
acres and 17 perches of choice woodland,
distant 3-4 of a mile from the above
described property.
Any person wishing to view said plantation, will be shewn it by the subscriber,
living on the premises. - Sale to begin at one
o'clock P.M. when terms of payment, &c.
will be made known, by
William Brown.
November 4, 1817. 21--2t

See the Katherine Morgan Patent for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/5/2022.

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