Document Collection


02.18.1818 Village Record
At public vendue, on the 7th day of
March next, a LOT OF GROUND,
containing 4 ¼ acres, situated on the
Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike
Road, 18 miles from the former place.
The improvements are a two story
stone house, 38 feet in length by 18
feet in width, one part of which is
calculated for a store or tavern, with
a large Kitchen back ; a good frame
stable, sufficient to hold two horses and
two cows ; also a good frame shop,
suitable for a tradesman. A further
description is deemed unnecessary, as
persons wishing to purchase will view
for themselves. The above property
if not sold on the said day, will
beheld for private sale.
Also, will be sold, the following
articles, viz. one Horse and Chair, and
a variety of cabinet ware, such as
tables, bedsteads, secretary, and sundry
other articles too numerous to insert.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock on
the said day, when attendance will be
given and the conditions made known.
February 18, 18. 29

See the Hort-Wright Patents for the deed history. This sale was not successful. This property is probably what became the Malin/Schofield store in Paoli.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/6/2022.

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