Document Collection


06.16.1846 Village Record
BY virtue of a writ of fieri facias to me directed will
be sold at public sale, on Tuesday the 7th day of
July net, at one o'clock, P.M., on the premises, the
following described of lot land containing SEVEN
Acres more or less, situate in Tredyffrin township,
Chester county, on the road leading from Morgan's
Corner to the King of Prussia, at the intersection of the
Gulf [Gulph] road, adjoining lands late of George W. Holstein,
Eli Roberts and others. The land is in a good state of
cultivation, and under good fence and divided into
convenient fields. The improvements are a
two story Frame House, well finished, Shoemaker
Shop, frame barn and other out buildings ;
also a well of water at the door, and a
number of fruit trees of different kinds.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of

See the Panhandle for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/25/2022.

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