House and Lot at Public Sale
12.22.1846 Village Record
THE subscriber will sell at Public Sale, on Wednesday, (Fourth day,) the 30th of December, 1i846, at 1 o'clock, P.M., on the premises, a Lot, containing 7 Acres, more or less, situated in Tredyffrin township. Chester county, lying about one mile south of Morgan's Corner, and at the cross roads leading to the Gulph [Gulf in earlier clippings], adjoining lands of Eli Roberts and others. The improvements consist of a comfortable two-story frame Dwelling House, with a Shop attached, suitable for a mechanic, and a well of good water at the door ; also a Barn. There is an Apple and Peach Orchard on the premises ; the land is in good state of cultivation. Persons wishing to view the property will please call on Samuel Upright, residing on the premises. Conditions on the day of sale. GEORGE PRIEST. Dec. 22, 1846 - p.
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/25/2022.