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SHERIFF'S SALES. Jackson Inn, 3 acre tract of land, 41 acres land, 5 acres land, and Bear Tavern, and 12 acre tract

12.03.1850 Village Record
BY virtue of a writ of levari facias, to me directed,
will be sold at public sale, on SATURDAY, the
28th day of December, 1850 at 1 o'clock, P.M., on
the premises, a certain Messuage, called the JACKSON INN,
and Lot of Land, situate in the township
of Tredyffrin. In the county of Chester, lying on the
Northeasterly side of the Philadelphia and Lancaster
turnpike road, adjoining lands late of Thomas Pennington,
being one hundred and twenty feet in front
on said turnpike, and extending back one hundred
and sixty feet deep, containing seventy square Perches
and a half, more or less, with the appurtenances.
The improvements consist of a
large two-story stone House, with
kitchen attached and finished in the
best manner, with porch around it;
stone wash and smoke houses and
well of water at the door, with a pump therein, and
in a very desirable situation for a man of leisure,
being about 18 miles from Philadelphia, on the Philadelphia
and Columbia railroad and Philadelphia and
Lancaster turnpike ; fruit trees of different kinds on
the premises, and it is also well fenced. Will be sold
at the same time and place of the above mentioned, a
certain Messuage and TRACT OF LAND, situate in
the township and count aforesaid, being on the
southerly side of the Philadelphia and Lancaster
turnpike, being fifteen Perches front on the same,
from the corner of the Widow Parker's land, and extending
back thirty-two perches along her line, containing
3 ACRES, more or less, with the appurtenances.
The improvements consist of a stone and frame
Dwelling House, two stories high and finished in
modern style ; Stone Barn, stone sheds and other out buildings,
all new, with a well of water at the barn
with a pump therein ; fruit trees of different kinds on
the premises. The land is of a good quality, well
watered and fenced, with a good proportion of Meadow
and Woodland for the same.
Will be sold at
the same time and place of the first above mentioned,
a certain messuage, plantation and a Tract of Land,
situate in the township and county aforesaid, beginning
at a post in the middle of the road leading from
the said turnpike at the Bear Tavern to the Leopard,
in a line of Daniel Baugh's land thence north sixty-two
and a quarter degrees, east one hundred perches
and eight-tenths, to a post in a line of John G. Bull's
land, thence by said lands north twenty-seven degrees and three quarters,
west fifty-six perches to the middle
of the said turnpike road, thence along the middle
thereof west sixty-one perches and eight-tenths, to a
corner of James and Hannah Foote's land, thence by
the same south eleven degrees, east twenty-five perches
to a post, and south eighty-four and a half degrees,
west twenty-seven perches and six-tenths to
the middle of the aforesaid road leading from the Bear
to the Leopard, thence along the middle thereof, south
nine degrees and one-quarter, east twenty-four perches
to a post, thence along the same road, south
sixteen degrees and three-quarters, east eighteen perches
and seven-tenths to a post, south twenty-nine
degrees and three-quarters, east eighteen perches
and four-tenths to a post, and south twenty-two degrees
and a half, east seventeen perches to the place of beginning,
containing 41 ACRES and one hundred and
thirty-fiver Perches. The land is of a first-rate quality,
highly improved and very productive; it is also well
watered and fenced, with a good proportion of Meadow
and Woodland for the same, and fruit trees of
different kinds on the premises.
Will be sold at the same time and place of the
first above mentioned, a certain Messuage and Tract
of Land, situate in the township and county aforesaid,
beginning at a corner of the said Randall Evans'
other land in the middle of the aforesaid turnpike road,
thence along the middle of the same, north eighty-
eight degrees and one-quarter, east twenty-six perches
and one-tenth to a corner of the aforesaid James
and Hannah Foote's land, thence by the same south
twelve degrees and three-quarters, east forty perches
and seven-tenths to a post in a line of Joshua Evans' land,
thence by the same & other lands of the said Randall Evans,
north twenty-eight degrees and three quarters
west forty-sevel perches to the place of beginning,
containing 5 ACRES. The improvements consist of a
Stone HOUSE, two stories high and finished in modern
style; stable; spring house, over a never-failing spring;
ice house and other out-buildings. The land is of a
good quality, highly improved and very productive.
It is also well watered and fenced, with a good proportion
of meadow and woodland for the same. There
are fruit trees of different kinds on the premises.
Will be sold at the same time and place of
the first above mentioned, a certain messuage.
known as the BEAR TAVERN, and
Tract of Land, situate in the township and
county aforesaid, beginning in the middle of the aforesaid
turnpike road, at a corner of the said Randall Evans'
other land, thence by the same south ten
degrees and a half, east twenty-five perches to a post,
and south eight-four and a half degrees, west twenty-
seven perches and six-tenths to the middle of a public
road, thence along the same by the said Randall Evans'
other lands, south nine degrees and one-quarter,
east twenty-four perches, and south sixteen degrees
and three-quarters, east eighteen perches and
seven-tenths, and south twenty-nine degrees and
three-quarters, east thirteen perches and four-tenths,
and south twenty-two degrees and a half, east eleven
perches to a corner of Ruth Bowers' lot, and by said
lot south sixty-four degrees and a half, west four perches
and seven-tenths to a stone, and south half a degree,
west six perches and eight-tenths to a line of
Daniel Baugh's land, thence by the same south sixty-two
degrees and one-quarter, west twenty perches to
a stone, a corner of Joshua Evans' land, and by the
same north twenty-three degrees and a half, west
sixty-seven perches and five-tenths to a stone, and
north twenty-eight degrees and a half, west four perches
and five-tenths to a corner of the said Randall Evans'
other land, and by the same north seventy-seven
degrees and a quarter, east twelve perches and
seven-tenths, and north twelve degrees and three-quarters,
west forty perches and two-tenths to the
middle of the said turnpike road, and along the same
north eighty-eight degrees and a half, east forty-nine
perches and eight-tenths to the place of beginning,
containing 21 ACRES. The improvements consist of
a large stone TAVERN HOUSE, known as the Bear Tavern,
two stories high, with porch in front and
kitchen attached, with two wells of water at the door,
with pumps therein ; large stone barn, stables, sheds,
granary, spring and smoke houses, all stone, and in
good repair. the land is of a first-rate quality, highly
improved and very productive; it is also well watered
and fenced, with a good proportion of Woodland
and Meadow for the same, and is one of the best tavern
stands in the county. There is an Apple Orcfhard
and fruit trees of different kinds on the premises.

Will be sold at the same time and place of the
first above mentioned, a certain TRACT OF WOODLAND,
situate in the township and county aforesaid
, beginning at a post, a corner of land formerly of Joel Eans,
and by the same north twenty-eight degrees,
east twenty-three perches to a post, and south twenty-eight
degrees and a half, east seventy perches to a
post, and south eleven degrees, west thirty-three
perches and a half to the place of beginning, containing
12 ACRES, more ore less, with the appurtenances.
This tract is situate about half a mile from
the Pennsylvania Railway, at Paoli, well fenced,
with running water on it, and is very heavily timbered.
Seized and taken in execution as the properties

See the Hort-Wright Patents for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 6/1/2022.

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