Document Collection

Valuable Merchant & Grist Mill

10.19.1847 American Republican
THE subscriber offers at private sale, his Mill
Property, situate in Tredyffrin township,
county of Chester, Pa., 2 1/2 miles north of the
Paoli and the Columbia rail road, and about the
same distance from the Schuylkill Navigation
and Reading rail road at Valley Forge.
The improvements consist of a
51 by 41 feet, 3 stories high with three
run of burs, and a corn kiln, with all
the necessary machinery completely arranged for
doing Merchant and Country work. The Mill
is nearly new, built of the best materials, in the
most substantial manner, the power is one of the
best on the Great Valley Creek, which affords an
ample supply of water at all seasons.
The Dwelling is commodious, and finished in
the best manner; the Barn, the Cooper Shop,
and other out buildings, all in good repair; there
is 23 acres of Valley land, in a high state of cultivation,
with an excellent APPLE ORCHARD
and a variety of other fruit treees. This property
is handsomely situated, and is equal to any in the
county for the milling business, or might easily
be converted into a manufacturing establishment,
and will be sold on accommodating terms, if applied
for soon. For further information apply to
the subscriber on the premises.
Great Valley Mill, Oct. 19 - tf

See the David Meredith for the deed history of Chesterbrook Mill. Samuel Beaver posted numerous advertisements trying to selling the mill, 9/30/1845, 10/19/1847, 9/29/1853, 10/10/1854, 11/7/1854, and 11/12/1854 (notice of sale). He eventually sold it to Lewis Worrall on 3/27/1855 (deed X5-426).

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/27/2022.

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