MERCHANT AND GRIST MILL AT Private Sale, 23 acres
09.20.1853 American Republican
Private Sale THE subscriber offers at Private Sale this MILL property, situate in the township of Tredyffrin, county of Chester, consisting of a Stone MERCHANT and GRIST MILL, 52 by 41 feet, 3 stories high, built of the very best materials, and in the most substantial manner, which two water wheels and three run of French Burrs, all nearly new, together with the necessary machinery, completely arranged for doing merchant and country work, without interfering with each other. The dam is large, substantially built, and close to the mill, thereby obviating the disadvantage and expense attending upon a head race - the stream is the Great Valley creek, which affords an ample supply of water at all seasons, and is less affected by drought, or ice, than any stream in the county. The MILL is doing a good country business, and has always commanded a large share of the wheat produced in Chester Valley and surrounding districts. There are TWENTY THREE ACRES of land, divided into convenient fields, all under a very high state of cultivation. The DWELLING is built of stone; it is commodious, and finished in the best manner, together with an out-kitchen, wood house, smoke house, cistern and bath house, all conveniently arranged - a well of excellent water with pump therein, near the door, and a never failing spring, with house over it, convenient thereto - A large stone Barn, wagon house, carriage house, and coopershop, all in good repair; an excellent apple orchard, also a variety of other fruit trees, shade trees, and shrubbery. This property is handsomely situated within half a mile of the Chester Valley Rail Road, (which is nearly completed,), 2 1/2 miles from the Columbia Rail Road at Paoli, and about the same distance from the Reading Rail Road, and Schuylkill Navigation, at Valley Forge, and is well worthy the attention of the businessman or capitalist, who may be desiring a Country Residence; as the MILL alone will always nett [sic] a good interest for the investment. It will be sold on accommodating terms, if applied for soon, and if not disposed of before the1st of December next it will be rented for a term o years. Any peson wishing
to view the property, wil please call upon the subscriber, living thereon. SAMUEL BEAVER, Jr. Chester Valley Mill, Sept. 20, 1853 - 4t
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 6/5/2022.
